Monday, January 26, 2015

11 months! (1.23.15)

Happy New Year!

It is so hard to believe that Noah is 11 months old now.. only ONE more short month until he turns ONE! Ahhh!! My lil baby is growing up too too toooooo fast!! *tear*

This past month has been a BIG one for him! I feel like so much has changed.. he has really grown before our eyes and he is learning new things everyday!

He is pulling himself up on everything now.. and coasting along the side of the couch (always trying to get to the kitties! -which he understands... when I ask where are the kitties he looks all around the couch trying to spot one since they tend to sleep there the most!) He is almost standing on his own.. I caught him doing it for a few seconds a few times in his crib.. but he is still pretty wobbly!

He is also CRAWLING! Finally!!! No more scooting or dragging around.. this boy is a pro-crawler now! He also has gotten pretty fast.. and he wants to explore the whole house and get into all the trouble he can!

He is starting to respond to NO as well.. sometimes he will whine when I tell him NO.. because he's like but whyyyy moooom?! haha.. it's pretty cute..

He is also finally sleeping in his crib full time now.. naps and all! AND doing much much better.. He even had a 10.5 hour stretch once!.. Yes once.. but that was something! Usually he is up a few times throughout the night.. but its SO much better than before!

He also was chewing his crib.. so I had to tie his bumper around it to prevent that! He is a chewing machine! Teething and drooling! He got his second bottom tooth at the very end of December.. and that's it so far.. but he is always chewing on his fingers and toys so I am thinking more are not too far off!

He loves peek-a-boo.. and his touch and feel books.. and he's also loving cruising around in his walker! He has gotten good at maneuvering that thing and getting all around the house!

He has clapped a few times... and also said and waved Bye-Bye once when I was leaving to go to the dentist.. That's what daddy says anyway.. I missed it! But he tries to wave or clap if we show and help him!

He also started dancing!! It was the cutest funnies thing! He played his little scooter's music and started rocking out.. and wiggling back and forth.. I have some super cute videos I was lucky to capture.. so so cute!

I've been getting crafty and have been planning for his 1st Bday.. it's right around the corner.. I still can't believe it!

He had his first trip to the snow.. which was quick but fun! He was fascinated by it all!! Even didn't seem to mind touching the cold snow.. it was so new and exciting to him and he just kicked about with joy!

His first Christmas was also very special! We celebrated with family and he opened some presents and met SANTA!! He wasn't a fan of him yet.. but I'm sure that will change.. I thought it was the cutest classic first santa photo!

This month he has tried many new foods.. He loves kiwi and chicken.. watermelon, pineapple, strawberries, mango, and more! I now tear food up into small pieces and he enjoys trying to pick it up and eat it. We are still working on the sippy-cup! I'm still breastfeeding and plan to start weaning after his first birthday.. I was nervous about him getting teeth with breastfeeding but so far it hasn't been an issue at all.

He's such a sweet cutie pie.. he is pretty whinny when he doesn't sleep well or because of his teething.. but I can't blame him.. so am I :)

1st SNOW DAY!!!

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