Thursday, September 6, 2012

Walgreens Plan 9/9/12

NEW Rewards Card Starts -9/16/12

Glade Products - 2/$5, get back $1 in RR
Several Available SS 8/26
Essentially = Varies!

Suave - Buy 2, get $2 in RR
Essentially = Possibly free? If bottles are $1 each!

That's aboooouuuuut it! I know.. bleh!
What do you guys think about the new reward card?
Excited? Dreading it? Why?! :)

1 comment:

  1. I personally think that the Balance Card will make shopping at Walgreen's the same, or even better than it is now. From what I understand from Customer service it is the same as now just scan your card at check out and eventually when you get enough points you get money back.(Kind of similar to Beauty Bucks at CVS just a special surprise when you earn enough haha) Each week you still get RR deals, so that doesn't change so I don't know what all the hype is about? :p
